Over the past weekend, Slow Food presented its Guide to Oils for 2022 from the Slow Olive network. A region-by-region listing of the best oils in Italy.
To begin we would like to quote what Francesca Baldereschi, editor of the Guide, said.
“We must again highlight a negative constant of these last few years, much more dangerous and indecipherable than others: the climate. If, until a few years ago, it was a concern for farmers, now it is an emergency. Abnormal and violent weather phenomena are thwarting the millennial evolution and acclimatization of the hundreds of varieties of the olive tree in the Mediterranean in just a few years.” (Source La Nazione)
A concern for what the planet is experiencing that we feel we espouse strongly, both because of our closeness to the farmers we have always worked with and because of the concern that increasingly abnormal climatic events generate in us.
Slow Food and its Snail Mail
For those who do not know, Slow Food is an international association founded with the desire to give the food the value it deserves. A duty not only for those who eat, but also for those who produce and work in harmony with the environment of production, valuing the territory of origin.
And it is a daily commitment that Slow food makes in 150 countries to promote fair and clean food for all.
Respect for production is all along the supply chain and must go as much from the producer as to the consumer.
This is a desire that is increasingly widespread and shared by the supply chain, which precisely because of climate upheaval feels the duty to proceed to rediscover a world more focused on what is right.
And so the symbol chosen is the Snail, perhaps slow, perhaps against the present times, but an example of a lifestyle more suited to men.
But what is Slow Food’s Oils Guide?

A Slow Olive Guide that lists and describes the best Oils of Italy, with a focus on the regions.
The 23rd edition features a total of 150 companies including mills, farms, and oil mills, bringing many new realities to the Italian scene.
There are many excellences in Italy, but each one is different, which is why Slow food has created different categories, so as to give each one the attention and quality it brings.
Chiocciole: the main symbol of Slow Food, these olive farms carry the organoleptic, territorial and environmental values proper to Slow food.
Great Oils: the recognition that is awarded to companies that boast organoleptic value, adherence to the territory and cultivars
Slow Great Oils: oils of excellent quality, able to excite in relation to native cultivars and their territory, obtained with sustainable agronomic practices.
Slow Food Presidium: processing on centuries-old olive groves of local cultivars with sustainable production techniques.
The guide is a fundamental tool for bringing luster to a sector that represents both scenic beauty and an excellent resource of our country. The guide does this by highlighting entrepreneurs and their products who espouse the Slow Food mentality and put it at the center of their business plan.
We would like to mention the dedication to the memory of Diego Soracco-one of Slow Food’s historic leaders and oil enthusiast-that was awarded to Nicola Solinas.
Solinas is the owner of the Masoni Becciu company and producer of the extra virgin olive oil Presidium, which has been active in supporting companies affected by the disaster of the fires that devastated Montiferru, also thanks to the support of the association.
Elaisian Customers Awarded by Slow Food
Our best congratulations to the Elaisian clients who were honored during the latest Slow Food Guide for 2022. Companies that work with daily attention during each step of the supply chain.
Here is the list with the list by regions:
- La Selvotta (Abruzzo)
- Olearia San Giorgio (Calabria)
- Sorelle Garzo (Calabria)
- Two Nine Six (Lazio)
- Traldi Oil (Lazio)
- Frantoi Cutrera (Sicily)
- Feudo Disisa (Sicily)
- Frantoio di Croci (Tuscany)
Well done to these and all producers who manage to work with respect for the land, with an eye to quality and the use of DSS technology essential to support them in their daily work.